Unlike humans, cats have characteristics that naturally protect them from the cold. With the exception of a few particular breeds such as the Sphynx, most cats are protected thanks to their dense fur. This fur allows them to handle low temperatures. However, this does not mean that cats never suffer from the cold, especially when it comes to brutally cold temperatures. In this Letsgetpet article, learn how to protect your cat from the cold.
Cats and their cold resistance
To begin with, not all cats have the same level of cold resistance. Some cats can be more sensitive than others. This resistance depends greatly on the cat’s habits and behavior. For example, stray cats and wild cats are more resistant to cold temperatures. This is because they developed aptitudes that allow them to protect themselves from the cold, which is not the case for domestic cats.
If your cat is adventurous and enjoys being outside, it’s more likely for them to have relatively good resistance to the winter temperatures. However, if your cat instead prefers the comfort of their bed indoors and only rarely go outside, they are more sensitive to cold temperatures.
Besides their habits, their age and health conditions influence their resistance to the cold. For example, young and old cats are less resistant. When it comes to kittens, their coat is not dense enough to protect them from the cold. Regarding senior cats, their metabolism is becoming weaker and they have a harder time conserving their body heat and regulating their body temperature. Moreover, this is the case for sick cats, obese cats, or cats that are too thin.
The cat breed has an impact on their resistance to the cold. For example, those that come from warm countries (Savannah, Somali, Singapura) are characterized by a thinner or inexistent undercoat. They are, therefore, more sensitive to the cold.

A few tips to protect your cat from the cold
Long expositions to the cold can affect your cat’s health. For this reason, it is important to protect them from winter temperatures and ensure that they are comfortable to avoid getting sick. Here are a few tips to make sure that they are protected from the cold.
Take good care of your cat’s paws
Cat paw pads are particularly sensitive to the cold, frost and the snow. When salt is dumped on roads and sidewalks in the winter, it can cause serious problems. Your cat can suffer burns, wounds, chapping, irritation and even freezing if it gets too cold. For this reason, make an effort to take good care of your cat’s paw pads in the winter, especially if your cat enjoys spending time outdoors.
We recommend cleaning your cat’s paw pads after each outing in the cold. Start by rinsing their paws with warm water in order to get rid of dirt and salt, if there is any. Then, use a towel to wipe and dry thee paw pads of your pet. You will also be able to inspect them more easily and identify eventual wounds, burns, or lesions. If you notice anything, treats the wounds and provide the necessary care as soon as possible to avoid the risk of infection.
In addition, there are balms and creams you can use to prevent or treat these ailments that can affect your cat’s paw pads in winter. Start by asking your vet for advice on the ideal product for your pet. Regularly maintaining your cat’s paw pads also allows you to notice any foreign bodies trapped between your cat’s toes as early as possible, so that you can take immediate action.
Make sure that they always have access to the indoors
Occasionally, your cat will have a hard time handling the cold temperatures while outdoors. When this happens, they will need to return home to their napping spot or a corner of the house where they can keep warm. Nothing should prevent your cat from being able to return indoors. It is important to make sure they have access to the indoors at all times. Open the door as soon as they look like they want to go back inside.
Install a cat door so they can easily get inside, even when you’re away. It is also possible to create a place where they can take shelter even when their out in the backyard to avoid bad weather. This could be a small, secluded shelter in your garden, for example.
Adjust your cat’s diet in winter
Your cat’s diet is another factor that can influence their cold resistance. In winter, it is recommended to adapt your cat’s diet to allow them to better withstand cold temperatures. If they usually spend most of their day outdoors, they will need to draw on their reserves to cope with the harshness of the cold.
For this reason, it is recommended to slightly increase the quantity of their food rations. In addition, their rations should also be richer in animal proteins.
If you do this, your cat will be better protected against the cold because they will be able to build up a small layer of fat. However, this may not be a good idea if your cat prefers the comfort of their bed in winter and only goes out occasionally. They could run the risk of becoming overweight if you increase their diet.
Ensure that your cat is well-hydrated
Good hydration is an essential aspect of your cat’s protection against the cold. When they are exposed to wind and frost outdoors, they will become dehydrated faster than usual. In addition, your cat’s water reserves deplete more quickly when they go indoors to find a warm spot (radiators or other heat sources). This is because the air in these places is drier and warmer.
Because of this, remember to keep a water bowl available at all times to keep your cat well hydrated. In addition, make sure it is fresh and, most importantly, clean, to protect their health. Ideally, they should also have access to unfrozen water outside to quench their thirst if necessary.
Provide them with a bed to keep them warm
To keep your cat warm on colder days, it is a good idea to provide them with a warmer bed as winter approaches. This can be placed close to a heat source inside your home. Additionally, you can add warm blankets to your cat’s bed to keep them warm after spending time outdoors.
Also, to keep your cat warm, avoid placing the bed too close to openings (doors, windows, etc.) and draughts. Even if your cat does not usually go outside, a warm, comfortable bed will protect them effectively against winter temperatures, both during the day and at night.
How do I know if my cat is cold?
Many signs can allow you to recognize if your cat is old or not. Therefore, you can easily tell if your cat is feeling cold and make the necessary adjustments. Just like humans, trembling can indicate that your cat is cold. Observe them well in the winter and ensure that they are not shivering after spending time outside.
Cats can adopt a particular behavior when it is cold. Generally, they get in a ball by folding their legs under their body in an effort to conserve body heat. In addition, your cat can become agitated or apathetic when they are cold. You should regularly check to make sure their body (ears, paws, or their nose) is not cold by touching them.
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