Cats – unique, mysterious, loving creatures that have us hook, line and sinker!
There’s no denying the love for our beautiful cats. Their unique ways, their love and affection, their independence and the way they communicate. Cats provide us with a sense of wild love that can’t be replicated elsewhere.
Here at LetsGetPet, we explore their undying beauty from the many breeds to their coat markings and colors to important information about their health, wellbeing and care.
Come join us and enter the world of cats!
The Persian cat is a magnificent cat with a unique personality. In this article, we'll share 15 fun facts about …
The Bombay cat is a playful and affectionate cat breed, popular for its breathtaking black panther-like appearance.
Cat owners who take their cats on walks usually opt for a harness. In this article, we'll give you helpful …
The Munchkin is short-legged and friendly and is often compared to the Basset Hound or Dachshund. Its legs are 5 …
The Burmilla is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian cat and the Burmese cat. As it is still a relatively …
There are many reasons why a cat may urinate on its owner's clothes. For example, these reasons can be medical, …
The Sphynx is one of the very rare cats in the world without fur. Its personality is often compared to …
Whether you have a cat or you have simply observed this animal, you have probably already seen one kneading another …
Deciphering the meaning of a cat's tail movements is complex. They use their tails to describe a multitude of emotions. …
One of the characteristic behaviors of cats is the sometimes "fancy" gestures they make with their butts. Here are 6 …