How to manage conflict between a male and female dog

conflict dog male female manage

Conflict between dogs typically involve two males and sometimes two females. It’s much less common for tension to arise between male and female dogs, and much less so for conflict that become physical. If this ever happens, it’s important to identify the cause so you can intervene appropriately.

What are the usually the sources of conflict between a male and a female dog? What is the best way to react if you notice a male and female dog not getting alone? Can spaying and neutering completely solve the issue. In this article, Letsgetpet provides some helpful information to help you better understand your dogs’ reactions and behavior.

The main causes of conflict between a male and female cat

The following situations can lead to conflict between dogs of opposite sexes.

Choosing the wrong female

Male dogs are able to perceive the sexual pheromones of female dogs in heat. This is the case even if the female is several miles away. This might cause your pet to run away and look for the female dog so they can mate with them. While searching for the female, your male dog may come across another female who is not available. Disturbed by his hormones, he may try to mate with the female he found. The female might try to defend herself.

The lack of experience of a young dog

Dogs unaccustomed to rutting periods may become aggressive towards females in their path, whether in heat or not. Sex hormones can have a destabilizing effect on young dogs, who are going through their first experiences and don’t know what sort of behavior to adopt.

A female is protecting her puppies

A female dog who has just given birth might be trying to protect her puppies. She might consider any intruders who get to close to her puppies as an enemy.

Appropriating resources

When dogs of different sexes live together, each of them can appropriate everyday items such as bowls, bedding, toys and so on. These belongings are sometimes shared in households, but some pets do not appreciate it this. Male or female dogs may start growling or barking when another dog gets too close to what they consider their property. If this isn’t enough to make the other dog give up, it can lead to a physical fight.

Socialization issues

A puppy who is separated too early from their mother can grow up with interspecific behavior disorders. During adulthood, this type of dog will have difficulty understanding other dogs’ behavior, and in making themselves understood to others as well. If this is the case, your dog may feel aggressed for no apparent reason, or they may be aggressive towards other dogs without meaning to.

How to resolve conflict between male and female dogs

It is usually recommended to separate the male and female dog when they live in the same household. By doing this, the male will be able to calm down and recover from the flow of their hormones. When it comes to the female, she will be able to regain her peace and quiet. You can also take the male dog for a walk, so that he can soothe himself away from the pheromones emitted by the female dog in heat. You can also divert your dog’s attention with a good old game of fetch.

When faced with a protective female, the best solution is to isolate her and the puppies in a quiet area where the male dog does not have access. The female dog should be allowed to leave and meet the male dog, but it’s best if the male dog is not allowed to enter the isolated area.

If a conflict arises because of the appropriation of objects, it’s best to allow each of your dogs to have their own belongings. To do this, we recommend geting into the habit of buying duplicate items to prevent one dog from bothering the other.

It’s possible to correct a dog’s socialization at any time, even though the learning process being more complex for an adult animal. You can ask for advice from a dog behaviorist or veterinarian and they should be able to help you. You can also enroll your dog in a dog training course to help them learn to behave better with dogs around them.

It’s important to remain kind and loving towards the dogs and teach them the right ways to behave. You can do this by rewarding your dog’s good behavior. As the owner, you also need to be relaxed when your female dog meets a male dog. This is so that you can ensure a positive relationship. However, you should avoid leaving your female alone with a male dog straight away. Instead, you should prefer getting female and male dogs to get to know each other gradually.

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conflict male female dog fight
On rare occasions, tension between a male dog and female dog can lead to physical confrontation.

The effects of spaying and neutering

Spaying or neutering is a recommended procedure for definitively resolving conflicts between male and female dogs. In fact, these veterinary surgeries have been compulsory for attack dogs since 1999, and owners are urged to comply as soon as their pets reach puberty.

For other types of dog, these procedures can be advantageous for maintaining your pet’s balance and health. However, it’s important to take into account the repercussions as well. Before listing them, we need to point out that neutering (removal of the testicles) is not the same things as a vasectomy. The latter is a form of sterilization that simply eliminates the possibility of fertilization, not the dog’s libido, which remains attracted to females in heat.


Neutering a dog that has difficult behavior will ultimately helps to inhibit their sexual ardor. For example, you’ll gradually see their habits change, with the dog becoming calmer. This is because neutered dogs are no longer interested in female dogs in heat. They will no longer run away for this reason, and their urine marking will reduce considerably. A dog wandering the streets can be a danger on the road. Neutering also reduces aggressive behavior towards other dogs.

Spayed females will continue to behave as they did outside their heat periods. In addition, your female dog will no longer show any interest in reproduction. Spayed and neutered dogs are often more balanced pets, living longer and are spared certain physical and mental problems.

In addition to resolving conflicts between male and female dogs, it’s important to point out that depriving them of sexuality won’t make them unhappy. Without hormones, dogs simply don’t feel the need, and therefore won’t experience withdrawal.


A neutered dog will generally be more sedentary and have a bigger appetite. You must ensure that they get regular physical activity to make sure they get enough exercise. You should also adapt your pet’s diet to avoid weight gain and the consequences it can have on their health. A vet should be able to provide specific advice on how to care for your dog after the operation.

For some breeds of dog, you may notice a loss of natural shine in the coat after sterilization. However, this can be fixed with the right care. By using the right shampoos and products, you should be able to keep your dog’s coat silky and aesthetically pleasing.

A neutered dog won’t feel frustrated by the lack of sexual activity. They are no longer subject to the effects of testosterone. However, spaying or neutering should be considered only after careful thought.

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