Belgian Shepherd

belgian shepherd dog breed

Breed: Belgian Shepherd I Size: Medium I Average lifespan: 10+ years I Character: Loyal, sensitive, and energetic I Coat: Short, medium, or long I Origin: Belgium.

The Belgian Shepherd is a loyal, sensitive, and polyvalent dog. There are four varieties of this breed.

The origins of the Belgian Shepherd

At the origin, a herding dog

As their name suggests, this dog breed’s origins lie in Belgium. By the late 1800s, herding dogs were commonplace, but their type was heterogeneous, with a wide variety of coats, both in color and appearance. A selection of the best subjects was set up by enthusiastic dog fanciers around 1885, leading to the founding of the Belgian Shepherd Dog Club in 1891. The breed was officially born between 1891 and 1897. The breed club drew up the first Belgian Shepherd breed standard on April 3, 1892.

The distinction in four categories

In 1901, the Livre des Origines de la Société Royale Saint-Hubert (L.O.S.H.) recorded the first Belgian Shepherds. Dog fanciers are unanimous on the definition of the morphology, character and working ability of the Belgian Shepherd, but the question of colors and accepted varieties has long been controversial. It wasn’t until 1910 that the type and character of the Belgian Shepherd were decided.

A playground for every variety

Lastly, there are four varieties of the Belgian Shepherd. The Malinois is used for guarding, drug detection, working with law enforcement agencies and as avalanche dogs. Today, we can find two types of lineage: the beauty lineage and the working lineage. While the former is selected on morphological criteria, the latter focuses more on physical aptitudes and qualities of bite and flair.

The Tervueren and Groenendael, which have a luxurious coat and an elegant attitude, are more and more often selected to distinguish them from the beauty competitions.

Lastly, there is a fourth variety, the Laekenois, but it has become extremely rare.

dog belgian shepherd breed
The Belgian Shepherd is bursting with energy.

The character of the Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd is an intelligent dog, active and alert. Very attached to their owners, they are always ready for action.

The Belgian Shepherd’s qualities

Belgian Shepherds are loyal to their owners and are sensitive animals that do not handle brutality well. They are loyal dogs, very affectionate and demonstrative, with assured character. The Belgian Shepherd is energetic, making them react to all types of stimulus.

Their innate qualities of herding and vigilance making them more performing in the guarding of a land.

It’s a rustic dog, made to resist to variations in the Belgian climate. They will happily accompany you with your activities outdoors. They can live in the city as long as they go on long outings allowing them to use their energy.

What are the downsides of having a Belgian Shepherd?

Because of their sensitive character, their education needs to be led with gentleness and patience. These dogs can develop a strong character depending on the lineage (for herding, sport) or beauty.

Very close to their owner, they can be possessive and wary with strangers. Needing to be active, they can handle solitude but would have a hard time spending entire days closed up in an apartment. Like all dogs, socialization and education led to allow herding dogs express all of their qualities.

breed dog belgian shepherd
The tervueren has a head mask.

The physical characteristics of the Belgian Shepherd


These medium-sized dogs have harmoniously shaped and well-proportioned bodies. Their overall morphology is square. They are medium-sized and have lean, strong muscles with a haughty head, giving off an impression of elegance and power.


Carried high, the head is straight and chiseled. A moderate stop separates the rather flattened forehead and the muzzle, the latter being almost as long as the skull. The muzzle tapers gradually to the black nose.

On either side of the muzzle, the Belgian Shepherd has eyes that are medium-sized and brownish. These expressive eyes, combined with black-rimmed eyelids, give them a frank, lively look, full of intelligence.

Their ears are high on their head and very straight. They allow the Belgian Shepherd to stay attentive.


From the profile view, the body of the Belgian Shepherd appears powerful, but light. The neck is solid and ends in a marked withers. The line of the back is straight, a short back and a well-muscled, slightly sloping croup.

The Belgian Shepherd’s belly is slightly raised. The thighs are broad and well-built. The tail is thick at the base and of medium length. At rest, the tail is low, but when the Belgian Shepherd is active, it raises, though not above the croup, with a curve toward the apex.

From the front, the chest is slender, but not narrow.

dog breed belgian shepherd black coat
Groenendaels and Tervuerens have long, smooth hair.

Coat, color, and grooming


The coat is what distinguishes the four varieties of the Belgian Shepherd breed, whether in terms of the length, color or appearance of the coat. All of the varieties have a dense, full coat and a woolly-textured undercoat, giving it a protective layer against the elements.

The Groenendael and Tervueren have long, smooth coats, while the Malinois has a short coat. The Laekenois has a rough coat.


Tervuerens and Malinois have what looks like a mask on their head. When defined, it covers the entire face in a single black area. Their coats are fawn charcoal (or even sable charcoal for the Tervueren), i.e. with black-tipped hairs.

The Laekenois also has some charcoal color, but only discrete traces on its fawn color, mainly on the muzzle and tail.

The Groenendael is completely black.

White hair is only tolerated in small quantities on the chest and toes of all four varieties.

Caring for a Belgian Shepherd

It is relatively easy to care for and groom Belgian Shepherds. For exemple, their coat molts two times per year, but brushing them once a week is sufficient. Long-haired Groenendaels and Tervuerens like getting brushed regularly to keep their coats clean and healthy.

Did you know?

Belgian Shepherds are always willing to take part in activities with their owners. In addition, they are particularly adept at dog sports such as agility, ring, obedience and so on.

The Belgian Shepherd at a glance

Size: 58 to 62 cm.

Weight: 20 to 30 kg (≈ 44.1 to 66.1 lb).

Health: Belgian Shepherds are sturdy, hardy dogs that are not afraid of the elements. The breed is not affected by any particular disease, but as with any medium or large dog, it can fall victim to hip dysplasia.

Average lifespan: 10 to 12 years.

Is the Belgian Shepherd good with children? Belgian Shepherds are sturdy, hardy dogs that are not afraid of the elements. The breed is not affected by any particular disease, but as with any medium or large dog, it can fall victim to hip dysplasia.

Is the Belgian Shepherd easy to train? It’s an intelligent and dynamic dog that reacts quickly to stimuli. It learns quickly. However, because of his sensitivity, he should not be placed in the hands of just anyone. Training must be carried out with tact and finesse, to develop a relationship of trust with his master and ensure a well-balanced dog.