Dogs and cats are often complex to understand. Especially when we have never had one. This is why it is often recommended to call on the services of a behaviorist. This is in order to learn the basics of dog and cat language.
Our pets express themselves by their vocal language through meowing, barking, and many other vocalizations. But also by their body language and consequently their behavior.
Finally, it is important to provide a positive and caring upbringing to your pet in order to live in harmony with him/her on a daily basis.
Don’t hesitate to read our various articles on dog and cat behavior in order to better understand your companion.
If your dog barks excessively, it can quickly become annoying for your neighbors. It can also be difficult and stressful …
Most cat owners have already seen their cat knead soft surfaces. But why do they do this? Here are a …
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Has your dog been taking refuge under a piece of furniture or in an isolated corner? In this article, you'll …
Cats make a variety of sounds and it's not always easy to interpret them. It can be hard to tell …
It's always difficult for a dog owner to hear their companion cry. In this article, we'll take a look at …
Does your dog whine as soon as you are no longer in their field of vision? Do they destroy your …
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Even though cats seem to strut around fearlessly, cats can still be afraid of things. In this article, we'll go …