Hairless dog breeds
Hairless dog breeds are rather rare. Similar to hairless cat breeds, they are unique and some are even hypoallergenic. This means that people with dog allergies can adopt some of these breeds.
If you can’t stand having fur all over your house, in your car or on your clothes, adopting a hairless dog breed is ideal because they shed a lot less fur during moulting periods.
Nevertheless, caring for and grooming a hairless dog breed is still important. It’s important to be careful with them when it’s hold, cold, or humid because hairless dog breeds have more sensitive skin than other breeds. To protect their skin and keep it smooth, it should be moisturized with hairless dog products. With that being said, because they do not need to be brushed, grooming is a lot easier.
Lastly, their hairless skin is sensitive to the cold and they need more calories to keep their body warm. For this reason, these dog breeds need to eat a little more to keep warm.
Find out more about hairless dog breeds such as the Peruvian Hairless Dog, the Xoloitzcuintle, Argentine Pila Dog, Chinese Crested Dog and American Hairless Terrier.